Demolition Services

Demolition Services SERVICES We’ll handle the whole project, from top to bottom. When you contract with us for your demolition project, we’ll handle the whole thing from top to bottom. Our full-service demolition team has the necessary expertise, equipment and...
5 Factors That Influence Commercial Demolition Costs

5 Factors That Influence Commercial Demolition Costs

Due to such factors as location, permitting, and hazardous materials, commercial demolition is a complex process that varies from project to project. Today, the average demolition costs for commercial buildings in the United States are around $30,000. If you’re a real...
4 Disaster Response Resources for Commercial Demolition Companies

4 Disaster Response Resources for Commercial Demolition Companies

Demolition contractors are often well-qualified to help with disaster response. From stabilizing buildings to removing hazardous materials, there are myriad ways that demolition contractors can assist with disaster relief. If your demolition company is interested in...
How to Use Recycled Concrete After a Commercial Demolition

How to Use Recycled Concrete After a Commercial Demolition

The importance of recycled construction materials grows every year. As seen with glass and aluminum, the act of recycling concrete protects natural resources while also eliminating the amount of material in landfills.   Demolition contractors in Portland can salvage...
The Science of Commercial Demolition

The Science of Commercial Demolition

When done correctly, commercial building demolition is a scientific process that follows a precise order of operations. This is because extracting buildings from tight spaces and busy urban areas requires scientific precision. With the right skills and tools, Elder...